Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

Fantasy Home Plans
Y'know, normally I like to consider myself as being a fairly level-headed guy. I try very hard to keep head out of the clouds by making sure my feet planted firmly on the ground.

That being said, I have to introduce you to a house plan that is kind of a guilty pleasure for me.

This is the Chatteau Novella, which was designed by the amazing Archival Designs, Inc. I first came across this masterpiece of home design while browsing through The Plan Collection. I'm not sure what it is, but something about the Chatteau Novella just catches my eye. I love the way it looks!

Upon further inspection, you can see just how luxurious it really is, but the thing that I like most about this house plan is its style. I just can't help myself. Honestly, I don't think I'd ever live in a home like this, even if my finances could justify doing so. I don't plan on ever building a home with more than 3,000 square feet, but that doesn't keep me from going back time after time to oggle at the Chatteau Novella. I guess that just goes to show that we aren't always as practical and down-to-earth as we'd like people to think we are.

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